Budding lawyer

The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures is a breath of fresh air for the series and provides a new direction for the series. I really loved the setting and characters in this one but it sort of felt really slow to play and read through this time around probably because of how the game's format is now and the inability to speed up text with the only option actually skipping text by accident sometimes. Nonetheless it does a great job building up Naruhodo's story and rise as a lawyer and setting the scene for what's to come.

The story here true to the word feels like an adventure compared to the previous titles I've played. While the original trilogy felt like a sitcom with an overarching narrative being pushed forward, The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures rarely has you sitting in one place for more than half of it at least with each case almost being in a completely different spot with the last couple of cases feeling familiar after a long journey. The characters are just as full of charm here and after beating it makes me want to continue onto the sequel immediately due to how tempting the resolution to everything is.

The gameplay is pretty different from what I've experienced in this series so far with the investigative element and how trials usually go. I will say I'm not a fan of the jury immediately makes you feel like the trials are even more of an uphill battle than they usually are but I sort of understand it due to the nature of just how people are in general. The "Logic and Reasoning Spectacular" is a cool mechanic to have during investigations but feels too long in that you can't course correct in the first time the detective gives their long winded deductions. The summation examinations are also a new mechanic which haves you pit jurors against each other in a final chance for the defense which is also cool. I also feel like this game is a bit more scripted and a fair bit easier compared to the previous titles too which I didn't mind that much but it's something to note.

The music and the overall graphical design is incredible though. The initial appeal to Ace Attorney for me was building my way up to playing these games due to the Victorian era England and Meiji era Japan. I really like how epic these court themes are and the violins popping off when you have a really good objection, it makes these moments feel like they have more oomph. The art for the game itself is amazing and it has translated extremely well in the three dimensional space including the classic Ace Attorney animations of sweating and defeat we're all too familiar with.

Despite how much of this title leaves wanting in tie up loose ends, Adventures is a great start into the possibility of the series heading into this direction in the future. Specific eras of Law could be interesting but if Assassin's Creed is anything to go by, it can be too much of a good or bad thing.

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2022
