Feels more like Breakout with different variants to the gameplay that feels like sidegrades more than a true evolution of the original title. The modes themselves are cool spins on the game but I found myself wanting to play the original tried and true more. The paddles are still pretty small here but I'm guessing that was just a hardware limitation at the time.

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2022


1 year ago

i think the paddles being small is just for the sake of challenge. keep in mind the 2600 had a dial controller that was a hell of a lot more analog than any analog stick on a modern console could claim to be

1 year ago

Yeah that make sense considering these were originally quarter eaters. Seeing each paper flyer for these games and then making a pun of how much the profits will be said as much too. Would be nice to play this with the actual dial sometime to see if the experience changes.