Homestuck 2009

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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 7, 2024

First played

February 19, 2024

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Homestuck is honestly one of the most fascinatingly unique works of art out there, it’s a “webcomic”, but like you can pretty easily also consider it a Visual Novel which I think is really funny, and it is a TRIP, closing in on the final 300 or so pages, I felt like randomly checking out some of act 1, and it really hit my how it’s basically become a completely different thing between the beginning and the end.

I think the Homestuck’s main flaw is probably the pacing, you can go from like 50 pages that are just non-stop images, and like 5 pages that are just walls of text, it feels very uneven, and I kinda wish they used more music during the long Pesterlog pages to make them feel a tad more dynamic. Obviously the music is all around fantastic, but I do wish the comic would’ve used it more often then it does, by the time I got to the second half, I just put on the complete music playlist on the background while reading must of the pages, and while it didn’t always fit, it nevertheless helped out, considering the pacing is at its worst with act 6.

It’s kinda well known that act 6, which comprises Homestuck’s latter half, is generally regarded as “lesser” and best, and outright terrible at worst. I definitely don’t think it has the consistent highs of act 5, but honestly overall I didn’t “hate” my time going through it as much as most seem to, there were still a lot of moments I found myself enjoying, though I also don’t really think act 5 is quite as great as some make it out to be, which may be why my expectations were more tempered.

I think my favorite part of the experience is mainly the characters, as while it is a tad hit or miss, the character writing here is like, DECEPTIVELY really good a lot of the time, I feel like Homestuck uses its unique structure to deliver on a lot of character types you rarely ever see in fiction, like most of the main cast feels really unique. This may be a bit weird coming from me, but I think my favorite cast member here is honestly Karkat, on the surface he’s kinda just this really angry guy, but there’s a lot of layers to him regarding his self loathing, and it actually hit me a bit in a really weird way I wasn’t expecting.

I can definitely see why Homestuck was as big as it was, it’s kinda confusing a lot of the time yeah, but during those moments where you actually GET what’s going on, and it allows itself to lead into insanely cool, downright euphoric moments like Cascade and Collide, where everything comes together for this huge spectacular even, that’s when it really click, and I GET it man, this is a really damn cool.

But still, it’s locked being a lot of meandering and a lot of dumb moments that feel like padding, the humor was honestly a tad hit or miss for me not gonna lie, there were a good amount of really funny parts, but a lot of jokes also didn’t really do much for me, though humor is very subjective, so I can’t really all that much against it.

At the end of the day, Homestuck wasn’t really much of my cup of tea, but I still enjoyed it during some moments, and have a lot of respect for it. Really glad I went through it to be able to see just what it’s all about, but I’m also equally glad that it’s done, godspeed Homestuck, godspeed…