"Resident Evil: Revelations 2" is a somewhat interesting title. I can say, pretty definitely, that it is better than most other "Resident Evil" games from this era. (Those specifically being 5, 6, and Revelations 1). However, its filled with so many small annoying issues, frustrating decisions, and a frankly laughable plot that I can't feel anything towards it other than annoyance and bewilderment.

Of the four episodes, the first is easily the best. It does a fantastic job of showing off the game's strengths and helps make the world of this game seem really interesting and inviting. I was really into the idea of playing as two different characters from two different points in time exploring the same area. It was really engaging to see it done so well in the first episode that I was excited to see what else the game had in store.

Unfortunately, no other episode comes close to the first one.

Every episode afterwards feels way too linear. Sometimes it breaks it up with some areas you can explore, but for the most part, the majority of the later episodes consist of running in a straight line and shooting a bunch of zombies. And because of this, I ended up growing increasingly bored of switching between Claire and Barry. Running through the sewers in a straight line twice just isn't all that fun to me personally.

But even though the game is so linear, it still doesn't do a good job of directing the player to where they're supposed to go. I got lost several times just trying to figure out what I was supposed to do next. And this isn't one of the RE games where that's part of the point.
When it actually does throw a puzzle at you, it's either painfully easy, or so poorly conveyed that you'll just stare at it for a bit, trying to understand what it even wants you to do.

The game does try to take advantage of that cool aspect of having two separate stories being told, but it unfortunately seems to have no idea what to do with it, other than using it as a framing device. There are moments where Claire can open something and that will allow Barry to access a new weapon or item later on, but it never seems to make sense. For instance, there's on area in the sewer where you can open a door as Claire, and that will allow Barry to get the AK-47. But Claire just gets nothing. Sow why even open it as her if you don't know Barry will get that weapon? I was left feeling confused for a while, wondering if I had broken the game somehow. I ended up figuring it out later on, but in the moment, I was left feeling baffled.

On top of that, the game just seem to really run out of steam as it goes on. By the time I got to the third episode, it felt like the game was introducing mechanics and enemies just to waste my time. I particularly despised the Barry sections where you had to haul a generator around and where you had to run through poison gas. I found myself nearly dying of boredom in these sections, which is why I ended up with a less than positive view of the game.

It's important to note that I played this solo. I'm sure that playing this with a friend might have enhanced the experience, which is the case for every co-op RE game. But I couldn't imagine being player two in this game. Not being able to shoot and only providing support sounds like hell to me. I'm kinda glad I just played this one by myself.

The story is also just...dumb. I can't be too hard on it, since silly storytelling is part of what makes this series fun. But the sheer concept of this one is just so funny that when I explained the plot of it to my friends we all ended up laughing at it. It also does a huge asspull towards the end of the game that I found so irritating. (And the logistics of said asspull are only explained in an annoying DLC mission that completely annihilated my interest halfway through it). Still, it could have been a worse narrative, but it could have been way better too. (Though the line: "We're Terra Save because Terra doesn't always have to end in rist" is just so hilariously awful that I had trouble taking the game seriously from the start).

I also encountered a fair number of bugs throughout my playthrough. Like when my AI partner would just refuse to follow me for no reason, or when the game would freeze and stutter if I reloaded a checkpoint. The worst of which though was this one bug I encountered during the crane puzzle in episode 4. For whatever reason, the game just wouldn't let me fully climb down ladders sometimes. Like I would start climbing down, but then Barry or Natalia would get stuck halfway through and just refuse to go down any further. It would work after a bit, but it infuriated me whenever it happened, and it never happened outside of this puzzle. Very weird.

Outside of the campaign there's also a little raid mode, like what the original "Revelations" had. It's basically the same thing, except with daily challenges and a more focus on online play. I did one mission and decided to never bother with it again.

Overall, despite all my negative remarks and what I can honestly only describe as complaining, I don't think "Resident Evil: Revelations 2" is honestly that bad. I wouldn't call it that good either, but its at least more serviceable than some other RE titles. If the level designs were more interesting, and the enemies were more diverse and less annoying, this could have been way better. But as it is, its just sort of...whatever. Can't really recommend it, but I can't really hate it either. I really wish the parts I liked about it stood out more though.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023
