An extremely interesting title overall. The presentation grabbed me very early on. I was a little confused at what was going on at first, I was able to grasp the story's themes and purpose after a short time and quickly fell in love with it.

Similar to No More Heroes, Suda 51 aims to critique the concept of interactive storytelling through the medium that uses it. Though unlike No More Heroes, which more aims to criticize the senseless glorification of violence, The Silver Case aims to explore what it means to have free will and choices in a game like this. There are many points where you'll feel like you're just being pulled along, or that the choices you're making don't matter, and even that the supposed protagonist that you're playing as is just bland and uninteresting when compared to the other much more interesting protagonist who you can barely control at all. I assure you, this feeling is extremely intentional and what Suda does with this feeling is spectacular.

There are a few hiccups that prevent me from giving it more praise, particularly during the final chapter in Transmitter where the gameplay and narrative come to a screeching unlikable halt for very little payoff.

Overall however, The Silver Case is yet another great metatextual video game about video games by Suda 51. I'm now looking forward to playing The 25th Ward.

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2021
