
is undoubtedly my game of the year and made its way into one of my all time favorites

Despite identifying as a Rhythm game, I'd argue that it's far similar to reaction intensive action game because of the sheer amount of mechanics and the freedom of choice the game provides in terms of how you play it while remaining obscenely simple and satisfying to play

But the game's simplicity doesn't undermine the game's difficulty at all. In fact, this is one of the hardest games I've played and no it's not because it's a rhythm game and rhythm games are supposedly "hard". The difficulty of this game LITERALLY stems from each and every one of the 9 levels having increasingly more and more difficult tempos. For example, level 6 has a time signature of 6/8 and the successive levels all increase the time signatures to sync up with the level number thus providing a consistent challenge to overcome. So even if you're rhythmically adept this game will definitely still be challenging regardless since it's not just a countless notes falling down in the same tempo which is most rhythm game's way of making things artificially more difficult which I find revolting

Now onto the elephant in the room or more like the lack of one, the music in this game is a whole bunch of nothing. It's all abstract noise but that is intentionally done as it's up to the player to find the rhythm through the gameplay and it's far more intuitive than you might think. I myself was guilty of thinking this was stupid but once I beat a few levels and got accustomed all the different mechanics, it all clicked. Music would only hamper the structure of the game and I'm glad there's none

One of my biggest gripes with your regular rhythm games is the fact that those games constantly shove these obnoxious "Perfect/Great/Good/Okay" text pop up in your screen during gameplay but in Thumper you're either right or you're wrong, no annoying text pop ups cluttering your screen it's all you and the gameplay

This is one game I pretty much have nothing really negative to say simply because of the fact that there's no padding and the game is relatively short. But if I had to squeeze out some nitpicks I'd say the visuals can be a tad bit overwhelming at times and can obfuscate SOME notes but that's rarely an issue and a complete non-issue when you learn to play with the rhythm

As far as Rhythm games go I doubt there will be another game like this, ever. Genuine masterpiece, play it or miss out.

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2023
