My experience with Scramble revolves around numbers for better or worse. Firstly this game coming out in 1981 making it one of the few titles I've played actually older than me. It's one of Konami's earlier games when transfering from their former business of making jukeboxes.

Secondly is the time I spent playing it. This game is immensely short, essentially 1 level split into 6 sections. Each section has a distinct theme or enemies detailed in bright pinks, reds and greens of that early era, it's what the chips could put out colour wise. The entire game takes maybe 15 minutes to beat once you understand to keep track of your fuel and how to weave through the buildings in the final area. I however, trophy hunter that I am needed to beat it around 7 times as two trophies associated with it on the Konami Arcade Classics Collection involve getting 100,000 and 150,000 points. Each time you beat the game though you only get 20,000+ then start again with your score.

So most of my time playing this was just point counting whilst thinking about numbers playing on automatic. As for the game itself, I actually kind of like it. It's incredibly simple, extremely short but still kinda fun. Nothing frustrating but nothing that stand out either.

One thing that was hilarious to me is in an interview with Kengo Nakamura the designer of Gradius/Nemesis he talks about how the idea of that was to make a game following on from Scramble. When he tried Scramble in the Konami office he thought: "Man what's with this difficult game!"

Then proceeded to make Gradius, which is infinitely harder. If you can't beat them, join them I guess?

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2022
