The Gameboy Castlevania's are easily forgotten titles in the Castlevania franchise and in all honesty, they should be. They simply aren't very good, or even memorable except for maybe their great cover art. That said in Castlevania Legends defense it's easily the best of the three Gameboy games and by a decent margin. The first two games are just a legacy in excruciating design and frustration, especially the first game Castlevania Adventure.

Unfortunately my issues with Classicvania games are still present here regardless. The enemy placements and AI for how they attack you for constant cheap hits at angles you can't defend against continue to be irritating. The bats and shades that fly at you the instant you enter a room or when you climb one of the games many, many ropes got on my nerves start to finish. This is exasperated by them reappearing if you step half a centimetre off the edge of the screen which you often have to so you can find an angle to attack them from.

The level design is kinda boring. As mentioned above you get some ropes and blocks with the odd visual flourish like a gate or gears instead of blocks but it's all rather trite. The bosses and enemy variety are fairly decent though strangely extremely easy for a Castlevania game. My biggest issue though is an old hold over from the original games of the levels having a timer. Why? Literally what does this accomplish? The levels aren't 100% linear with dead end sections going off for a few screens that can take time to go through with the enemy placements then back again. I got to one boss who after some dialogue took one step as I reached it with a zero timer and my character just fell over and died like she had a heart attack.

So pointless. Kind of funny, but utterly pointless.

Overall it's an ok game that as mentioned above is easily forgotten. I give it some credit for having a female lead (which is still all too rare in gaming, never mind it's own series). Otherwise it's worth playing for a novelty if nothing else.

Reviewed on Dec 05, 2022


1 year ago

Surprised you haven't played Order of Ecclesia next. Plan to tackle that one soon?

1 year ago

@Sunlitsonata - I don't own it unfortunately. I'm hoping they will do a DS collection next year as they did the classics followed by GBA.

The only games I haven't played now I think are the two N64 games, Ecclesia, Rondo of Blood and Judgement.

1 year ago

I never heard about this game. I liked the fact that it has a female lead. It was really rare to see that back in the day. Maybe it is a Metroid influence.

1 year ago

@LeonardoMF93 - Could be? I think this came out in 1997 which was a year after the original Tomb Raider.

I always prefer playing as a female character where possible and though things have gotten a little better in recent years with some games now having the option at least it's still fairly rare for pre-made female leads in games that aren't indie titles. (Horizon and Tomb Raider mostly). Still thank god for the indie space there.

1 year ago

Yeah. You are probably right. It should be Tomb Raider influence. Metroid was realeased in 86'.

I never thought about that but I think I have the same opinion. I started to think about games that I played with a female character. I had a strong conection with almost all of them. Tomb Raider, The Last of Us Part II, Horizon, Hellblade...

1 year ago

Haven't played this one, but I loved Castlevania: The Adventure so I wonder if I'd have a similarly contrarian view of this one.

1 year ago

I wasn't aware that was possible! I hate that game with every ounce of my soul! lol.

1 year ago

It's very good and I am asking you to be nicer to Castlevania: The Adventure please!

1 year ago

Noooooooo! :(