I've never done recreational drugs but I can only imagine that Keio's flying squadron is a result of them.

It takes a 10 year old anime girl throws her into a playboy bunny costume with high heels riding a dragon that looks like a green chicken fighting dogs on flying carpets and half dressed raccoons with catapults because an old lady voiced by a 30 year old man shouted at her to do so.

I'm going to start with the last part that the voice acting is abysmal. Like early fan dub level bad. It actually hurt my ears during cutscenes. The story and dialogue are just as terrible. The opening grainy scene is a fictional history lesson that is almost completely unrelated to the main plot of chasing a raccoon pirate with an IQ of 1400 who stole a gold key from your grandma. It's all so bizarre.

The story isn't the draw in a shoot 'em up however which is fortunate for Keio. What isn't fortunate for Keio is the gameplay here is just fine, it's not bad but it's not amazing either. You only get two shooting weapon types and three bomb types that drop from enemies that rotate through until you pick the one you want. You can send some baby dragon chickens to do a kamikaze attack and that's the extent of it.

I will say the game is colourful, has some decent sprites and parallax scrolling with some pretty good up beat music it's just basic with some questionable character designs and awful awful writing and voice acting. Not a game I would play again or really recommend.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2023


It sounds like one of the most anime things I’ve ever heard.

1 year ago

@TheQuietGamer - The bad parts of anime from the early 90's aye.

1 year ago

I think you're lying about not doing drugs. Admit it: you're a huge druggie. Computer games are a drug. They brainwash our youth. You're going to hell for playing computer games.

1 year ago

@HylianBran - I am a game junkie for sure.