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A true evolution of Fallen Order and a must-play Star Wars game for fans like myself. The massive hub worlds, enemy variety, and customization are next level. This game also takes a massive step forward in evolving the combat (even though crossguard form is way too slow) and movement from the previous game.

Unfortunately, I still had some issues with this title. Personally, I found this story to be less engaging then the first game with many key moments not hitting as hard as they should. Additionally, I ran into many technical bugs and glitches that broke my immersion. Lastly, I found bosses to be a mixed bag. Many of the story bosses were super easy while a few of the optional ones had weird hit registration and cheesy one-hit kill moves that do nothing but frustrate.

Overall though this game absolutely rocks. This is the type of Star Wars game I always dreamed of playing as a kid and I can not wait for the next installment!

High 8.5/10

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023
