This game is just CHOCK-full of nostalgia for me. Rhythm Heaven was one of my first games I ever had on my DS when I was young and didn't play much besides board game adaptations and party games. I remember the first time I played it was on a plane ride where I didn't think to put headphones in and played it with the sound off. Took me an hour to beat the first minigame. Once I realized you really need sound to play a Rhythm Game, I became hooked. I spend days upon days working hard to Superb and then Perfect all the minigames. As an extremely young kid, it took a lot.

The minigames here are an excellent collection. There are very few that are either boring or unfun (though Lockstep can go hug a cactus). There's also a lot of fun side modes and minigames that provide a bunch of extra entertainment beyond the main minigames.

An excellent game for rhythm game enthusiasts that will challenge your skills to the max

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2021
