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Fanta reviewed Ad Infernum
Short but neat first person horror adventure game. Shares some DNA with the recent Resident Evil Remakes (similar puzzles, inventory space etc.) but offers more freedom when it comes to movement.
Took me about 2 hours to finish. Enemies are pretty janky and could not handle the might of the baseball bat I found 10 minutes into the game which, after upgrading it a couple of times, pretty much one shotted everything until the very end. It's a short and fun experience if you're looking for something like that.

3 days ago

Fanta completed Ad Infernum

3 days ago

Fanta completed Ad Infinitum

3 days ago

Fanta reviewed El Paso, Elsewhere
Throughout the entire game I wondered if the dive button was really only there because, well, Max Payne had a dive button and this game is clearly, unashamedly inspired by Max Payne. But the thing is, the dive button works when you dive between a hail of bullets fired at you by stereotypical mobsters yelling "IT'S PAAAAYYNE" and less so when you jump headfirst into a wall while 3 ghouls charge at you. 95% of the time diving just puts you at a severe disadvantage in a game that really isn't that challenging to begin with.
The writing and voice acting are well done but the "bit" gets a bit tiring after a while. I also feel like the whole "my ex girlfriend tries to end the world" part just really doesn't work with the actual personal story they want to tell. Something more small scale would've worked far better here for me. It's pretty hard to feel anything for her seeing how she kidnaps "innocents" to sacrifice them to end the world. So the whole "James, am I a monster" can really only be answered with an emphatic "yes, absolutely you are".
Overall the game is good, helped a lot by a great soundtrack that really carries a lot of the levels. It just gets repetitive after a while as the game clearly runs out of ideas.

3 days ago

3 days ago

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