I played this game back on my 360 (The Orange Box was perhaps the greatest video game deal of all time?). I also replayed it back in like 2015. It's still really good. It's like a call of duty campaign except it's good and can stick with an idea for more than 10 minutes. Sometimes you run and gun and fuck shit up. Sometimes you gotta hide a little bit and use your brain. Sometimes you go to Ravenholm and oh god it's a horror game? You can drive around too, that's cool. And there are dope ass physics puzzles! Everyone should play Half Life 2, I mean really. There are AAA games coming out today that still haven't learned all the lessons Half Life 2 taught. Every part about it is just so tight, like it's all doing something. I would write more about this game but I don't feel like it.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2021
