Snake Eater is what happens when Kojima leans too much into pastiche - a series of moments rather than cohesive greatness.

There is still the ladder, the End, the Boss. But then we have to take into account Groznyj Grad, EVA, and a dozen other things. My least favorite of the numbered entries.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2020


6 months ago

Damn you didnt like Groznyj Grad? I think I could agree on the basis of navigation - I cant appreciate how all these forest areas are connected without a landmark to orient around (or I guess being very familiar with the forests of central Russia).

And so this progression feels random. Forest, cave, mangrove swamp? These might as well be levels Im selecting from a menu. MGS1 and 2 centering on definite facilities really helps here.

6 months ago

I'm due a replay of Subsistence next year but yeah...Groznyj Grad just doesn't do it for me, and the overall pace of MGS3 threw me off both times. Fun game - and precious artefact - but kinda tedious despite its legendary moments.