"I told all the people on the team, "This is my proudest moment, the fact that I came up with this trophy on this project." We were conscious to have fewer fights, but it came more from a desire to have a different kind of pacing than to answer the "ludonarrative dissonance" argument.

Because we don't buy into it. I've been trying to dissect it. Why is it that Uncharted triggers this argument, when Indiana Jones doesn't? Is it the number? It can't be just the number, because Indiana Jones kills more people than a normal person does. A normal person kills zero people. And Indiana Jones kills a dozen, at least, over the course of several movies. What about Star Wars? Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, are they some sort of serial killers? They laugh off having killed some stormtroopers. And in The Force Awakens, we see that a stormtrooper can actually repent for the person he is and come around, and there are actually real people under those helmets.

It's a stylized reality where the conflicts are lighter, where death doesn't have the same weight. We're not trying to make a statement about Third World mercenaries, or the toll of having killed hundreds of people in your life."
- Neil Durkinstein

Thanks for the very relevant and funny quote, Neil.

Anyways I snored during my experience with the Last of Us and lets just say for my sanity my hands-on experience with its sequel was brief. I hate how these games are played, I despise its narrative. I despise every idea that's a part of this game beside the accessibility options. My feelings with this game are very similar with how I feel about the film Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. Listen here, if I wanted to watch a movie that utilizes absurd dark comedy with themes of human beings being depraved that causes a fucked up domino effect, I would just watch Happiness or literally any Coen Brothers movie (FUCK IT! Add Haneke to the mix! See if I give a shit!) and have a better time! So with The Last Of Us Part 2 why would that be any different for me? I do not care for its cycle of violence, nor its emotional drive for revenge because Joel is bitch-made and had it coming! Everything about this game is so negative, the world, how it's played, it's flow, how it was made, etc. I want nothing to do with it!

There have been a lot of times where I think about how I have engaged with "negative" stories/experiences in media in the past. There's plenty of albums I could reference, already cited a movie. Fuck it, might as well talk about a book while I'm at it.
Last year I read a book called Negative Space by B.R Yeager. To summarize, the book is a horror that delves deep in the minds of several gen z teenagers living in a dying town in New Hampshire that's suffering from a youth suicide epidemic. So while there's fucked up hallucinogens, intense occult rituals, and the grooming presence of something transcendental (maybe.), that all takes the backseat as what drives the story are the teenager's bleak lives. Although it's a hard read, it displays what the current generation must face off against. The numbness/desensitization of cruelty in late stage capital.

So what's the point in me bringing up this book? I don't know. It's a good book and I guess I see The Last Of Us Part 2 as nothing but a product of that exact cruelty of late stage capital.

There's a chance someone is still wondering why I even included that old Neil Durk quote.. I told you, it's funny.

Oh yeah could we also get some adult representation in the next last of us?

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2023


1 year ago

i HATED Happiness, but point taken overall. But 'Welcome to the Dollhouse' was pretty good. Agree overall, Negative Space sounds sick thanks for the rec.

That Neil quote is fucking great although its attempting to touch on something it just shows how dense these bozos are for not getting it. Take 5 minutes and you'll realize that the reason Luke is allowed to kill is because he isnt cruel in the slaughter nor does he have to be. In fact, the pleasure in killing slowly is literally the main symbolic function that shows how the sith differ from the jedi. The effects in TLoU are more gruesome but also, nobody should have been saying that TLoU suffers from ludonarrative dissonance? The main characters you play as are literally bad people, I thought everyone knew that?

You'd really like Lisa the Painful if you haven't played it already, does gruesome humor right. Great work that one.

1 year ago

Honestly, absolutely fair for Happiness. It's not for everyone. A major part of my enjoyment from that movie is just I simply adore Phillip Seymour Hoffman. All of his performances were/ still are inspiring to me. I miss him very much. Ye Negative Space is a fantastic and horrifying book that I couldn't stop reading for a week. God, if that's the main thing people take away from this review is to read that book than I am pleased. A lot of this was deleted cuz ngl this did turn into just a review of that book multiple times writing this.
Also yeah I find it hilarious when people treat the main characters of TLoU as like cuties when like.. uh.. yeah they're like that.
I really should get around to playing Lisa. I've only heard people talk about it for years but never experienced it myself.