Euphoria was a roller coaster, a work composed of dilemmas and interesting themes that were well worked out and at the same time everything was thrown in the trash, an incessant up and down, where at times the author seemed to know how to write and others he completely forgot.
As stated above, Euphoria/Author manages to work very well with his characters and themes whenever he wants, especially the moments when he decides to explore the protagonist's psychology and his questions in the situations he finds himself. Although a self-insert in the protagonist is something very difficult, his dilemmas about acceptance among others are what will make you "put yourself in his place", understand his frustrations no matter how out of the box they are, lead you to have empathy for he.

About the H scenes of the work, I'm not going to lie and say that all are good, excellent or should exist, yes there are scenes without the least purpose here, but that doesn't disqualify the ones that have or are well used. Euphoria has a purpose and I believe at least most of the scenes contribute to that.
And with that I already want to advance a simple thought of mine that is again just me saying the obvious, but this seems to be necessary here.

"Hey! In this work they rape girls and make them perform various fetishes, that shouldn't exist" or "This work contains gore and rape, you shouldn't even see that.", comments like this are nothing more than censorship of art and simple ignorance.
A work doesn't have to be done to make you like everything that is shown, but to make you think or feel something in a deeper way. Unfortunately this way of showing things is not appreciated, many people just want to see things portrayed as they would like them to be, according to their own moral standards, but that's not how things work when it comes to Art. Art is free. And you don't have the right to dictate what can or cannot be shown, worked on or exploited.

By the way, it's no use wanting to come to Euphoria and not wanting to deal with these themes head on and open mind, the work deals with delicate and disturbing themes, it's not for everyone. Think you can't handle it? Don't start, you will simply waste your time.

Returning to the point of the narrative, it is sad that the author, despite interesting themes and everything else that has been said before, did not know how to work with all of them, and in most cases, destroyed everything that was done previously. Just like on Rika's route.

I missed the work pointing us in directions at certain times, because it's no use you just throwing something on our screen and not wanting to guide us with it, not giving us something to think about or reflect on, something is simply free and happens several times in the work , although this is not always the case.

Another thing that bothered me and I found out later is that after the H scenes happened in the story, it seems that there was some disconnect between what happened and the following events and this is due to the fact that the story was written without the H scenes and later the H were made LMAO.

There are things that are too shallow for what Euphoria proposes to do and that will certainly bother many people as it bothered me on certain occasions, in addition to the fact that the work destroys entire routes with completely absurd and meaningless endings. (Natsuki and Rika route is sad nmrl)

There's also the fact that you'll come across the same dialogue over and over again during the game and that's pretty annoying, at least for me it was. True Ending was more than half composed of Nemu's route, that is, it was about 2/3 of things I've read and having to go through it again was very tiring.

The end of Euphoria is beautiful at least, the plots of the story are good, the mystery is functional and as I suspected since I read the opening lyrics of the work. Underneath everything that the work proposes to show and work on, there is a beautiful and tragic love story.

Reviewed on Sep 12, 2022
