‣ 8/10 – This game should be called heart rate up.

‣ Thoughts: Stressful, relaxing, and addictive emotions meshed into a chaotic mess of culinary masterpieces will rush through you while playing PlateUp. If you have ever heard of overcooked, then you will know what to expect from this title.

When I first started playing PlateUp, I didn’t expect to keep going as long as I did. It creates an addictive gameplay loop that pushes you to strive for a better run every time you end a previous one. I would say that this game is straight up impossible alone and heavily lacks some sort of AI stand ins to players. But with a couple of friends this will quickly turn into a real kitchen. You’ll be shouting at each other, begging for the food to be delivered to the right table and cry when it all falls apart. Every player will have a designated role they will need to fill for an operation such as this to go as smoothly as it can. Some players will cook, other will do the dishes etc.

PlateUp naturally guides you into making up strategies that work best with your buddies without even telling you how to do it. All you get are these cards that you can buy which unlock extra items for you to use that can help progress the days in the kitchen. Sometimes you strategize with waiters if they need extra tables, or just stay selfish and buy yourself a new hob. It all boils down to pre-planning and then everyone manning their stations and doing their best.

Overall, the game is rather poorly paced, and it can take quite a few runs to unlock new dishes to cook and progress the game to its ultimate end. Even after 20 hours we felt like we’ve barely scratched the surface and just got tired of the repetitive days. But as quick one hour session this was a fun party game to have in your library in case there’s nothing serious you want to play.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2024
