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Great game with arguably one of the best sound designs when it comes to shooters. While the game has issues (and has always had issues) it's one of the most refreshing shooters out there right now. The guns feel impactful which is solidified by usually low ammo counts making each shot feel important. You're not just shooting - you're making decisions. While for the most parts guns won't kill you in one shot headshots however are deadly and therefore a sneaky playstyle will often bring you advantages to surprise your enemies.

The game features a fair amount of DLC however all of it is of cosmetic nature (Legendary Hunters acting like Skins, though it should be noted that many of them feature a dark color palette making them harder to see which could arguably be called a pay 2 win aspect). The game does reward players with a fair amount of premium currency through both gameplay and finishing the tutorials. The game also features a leveling system and let's you Prestige at level 100 meaning you will start again. Upon prestiging you are able to choose between starting with more ingame cash, unlocking a random legendary skin (which can include hunters) or getting more experience for your next prestige.