The game has a lot of highs and lows, but overall it's an incredibly good game. Definitely doesn't have any of what makes RE iconic, but the story can be genuinely great, specifically Chris and Jake's campaigns, and the gameplay can be really fun as well, with Jake having the best gameplay (and final boss) while Ada and Leon are both a tad bit boring at times. It may not be a Resident Evil game other than name and characters, but it's an enjoyable time.

Flawed in some ways, mostly story related since it isn't as tightly made as 2's and the addition of several new characters bloats the cast. Gameplay wise, the game is great and provides a lot of missions that vary in objective and gameplay style. Sly 2 was more focused on very thief like things such as recon or trading with black market people, but Sly 3 goes harder on providing a lot of unique gameplay segments more reminiscent of Sly 1's abundance of mini games. I think it's a good package overall, and the core 3 are still amazingly written, though I feel they coulda made the Dr. M and Bentley connection stronger.

Awesome game. It's not as hard to get into gameplay-wise as I thought, and even though I was on a time limit, because of a challenge, it still felt fun to explore the areas, remember doors to use new keys on, and solve puzzles. It's the epitome of Resident Evil, though not my fav in the series, and does a lot of things well. I'd definitely like to replay this one soon.

In total, this might be around the 10th time I've replayed this game.
The game is very fun, definitely rough in a few areas or just simplistic, such as the swinging and combat, but is a very solid package.
The art style is unique and makes the game still look great even now, they did an absolutely perfect job at translating Mark Barley's art style into the game.
Combat is simple, not too complex, but it has a few mechanics that I liked. The wall bounce is fun and clearly inspired Spider-Man PS4, but here it's a bit harder to pull off consistently but does really good damage.
The swinging is more simple than Spider-Man 2, Web of Shadows, and even PS4, but it has a solid swing boost mechanic as well as web climbing that add in a bit of depth. Wall running is easy to pull off too and gives you the ability to continue the momentum off the web. An underrated part is the animations, they're smooth and beautiful and make the game feel good even if the swinging is very simple mechanics wise.
Missions are always fun, every story mission has something unique about it that makes it memorable, be it a boss fight or a fun use of the mechanics, or races/timed challenges.
Venom is an absolute beast and this game makes you feel powerful and unstoppable with him. My favourite aspect is that his health constantly drains, meaning you need to eat people in order to stay alive, a great way of incentivizing his gameplay and a good way of weaving story and gameplay together.
For the bad, I think the combat does get rather stale if you're not fighting bosses. Some bosses are too easy, such as Rhino where all you really need to do is jump away from him to avoid every attack and he just can't hit you. The same can be said if a few other bosses, but they will usually have ranged attacks that can hit you if you're not careful enough. The game also doesn't have too much replay value, ignoring the fact I've replayed this too many times, it's only got the story, races, combat runs, and the Johnny Storm races, which aren't necessarily enough to keep you engaged past the main content.
Overall, a solid game, and should definitely be remembered for the really amazing visuals, the cool story, and abundant and at times really fun boss fights. The music too is absolutely stellar, so many memorable tracks and lietmotifs throughout.

Good lord, ok so there's a billion and one things to say about the game.
Firstly, the combat is GREAT. I really like the positioning elements as well as the card system. The card system and how environmental attacks play off each other is especially great. Some cards let you get more turns, others buff you for one or several turns, and some other ones are either indescribable amounts of damage or some really cool positioning related attacks, like portals or creating a field that makes your teammates heal and become immune to one attack. It's great and becomes really in-depth and a little stressful at the end, especially if you actually bother to up the difficulty like I did (I went up to Heroic III but I toned it down to Heroic II for sanity's sake).
Story is pretty simple, there's a prophecy and you wanna stop it. Some twists are expected, others are pretty surprising and a little hype (final fight has a really good one). I think the game shines most strongly in its character writing. And I'm like 80% sure people are gonna get irritated at the group taking every single chance to argue possible, but I think that leads to some good dynamics. They argue, cliques form, some people like others more, some people hate others more, but they still try to work together. And when upping your relationships with the individual characters, that's when the writing becomes the best. It's fun seeing how these characters develop, how having the MC in their lives changes their views a tad bit and how they start trusting you more and more. It's quite literally Western Persona, so that's really cool. Game took me 70 hours to beat, and yeah honestly it could slog at times, but the character writing helped me through near the end. I absolutely recommend it to everyone, it's a fun time and probably one of the best Marvel games ever made. It's such a shame it flopped commercially cuz I'd love to see these ideas expanded upon with other Marvel groups: X-Men, Avengers, etc.

I think this is about as perfect of a remake as I could have hoped for.
Persona 3 was my introduction to Persona and MegaTen as a whole. This remake had so much live up to for me because of how sincerely special P3 is to me even though I've long since beaten many games that have given me equal or greater inspiration to live and make the most out of my life.
It's simply great. Sure, I can talk about how the horror vibe is basically completely missing from the anime cutscenes, nothing's gonna beat the sheer artistic perfection of those things; there's also the fact that for some reason people really despise the new Mass Destruction or Unavoidable Battle (even though I personally love them, and I was one of those people who felt really off put by the sheer lack of the original P3's vibe once this game was revealed, music included).
But honestly, none of that truly matters. This game improved on the original in basically every aspect: gameplay, voice acting, visuals, accessibility, they truly loved the original game and did their utmost in order to make a remake that could surpass the original. And honestly, yeah, I'd play this over FES and Portable any day of the century. It's truly perfect.
(I also beat the super boss without Orpheus Telos so suck on that).