Like WOW, this game genuinely DID live up to the hype for me. I SEE why this game basically revolutionized JRPGs. Like it's so fun, every moment with it was fun I just kept wanting to play it cuz I wanted more story, I wanted more character interactions, I wanted all of FF7. And FF7 isn't just the you-know-what scene and Midgar and all that. It's SO expansive, there are so many late-game scenes that DEFINED this game, and NONE OF THEM are the you-know-what scene.
The gameplay aged so well. Like even better than 9 and that's just because 9's animations stalled too much. This one is quicker, snappier, and just as complex in the later portions. It was just so fun the entire time and even when I got absolutely screwed in the end and had to redo the entire dungeon (cuz no save point before the final boss) I still ended up having fun. It's so good. It's spectacular, and I just adore this game. A lot of these opinions are strong cuz like really there was so much riding on this especially coming off the back of FF9, my personal fav, and FF12, my fav gameplay-wise and even story-wise at times compared to 7 and 9, but man it delivered. It's so amazing, so worth the time of literally anyone willing to play it. And please buy it on PC and mod it cuz the mod I used, Satsuki Yatoshi, allows you to screw around with character level and builds even though it's primarily to up the graphical fidelity so it looks good in modern hardware. There is a strong use of A.I in it so something things look off, but overall it definitely made the experience more pleasant. I also didn't screw around with anything until post game because I wanted as much of a real experience as possible.
It was great, I highly recommend this. Everyone should play it, I think this is truly a timeless game.

So take everything good I said about Remake, make it shorter and remove the pacing issues, and you get INTERmission.
Yuffie didn't have too much character in OG due to being optional, but I love how they expanded on her here. She's still definitely greedy, but she's also a good person, and her relationship and dynamic with Sonon was great. He quickly became a fav, and I loved all their moments together. They bounced off each other like rubber balls against a concrete wall, and I couldn't be happier. I think this was content completely original to Remake, so going with that thought it was fucking amazing. Like, they just absolutely know what they're doing. The story still had plenty of side content to do if I wanted, and I did do all of it except the board game, but the story doesn't dilly-dally and actually gets going a lot quicker than Remake, even though Remake starts with the iconic mission it quickly slowed down after that. INTERmission remains at a good pace the entire time, and even the short 5ish hour run time doesn't detract. It's fun, it's heartbreaking, Yuffie is fun as all hell to play as, and honestly it's my favourite part of Remake. It's honestly a perfect little DLC.

That Moguri Mod goes hard though.
This is my first Final Fantasy and goddamn what a great game this was. Every character is just so memorable and likable, even the ones who didn't get as much fleshing out as they shoulda (Freya).
Zidane was a great protag and he really just made all his scenes so much better with his charisma, kind-heartedness, and every moment near the end game once you get into around the final 7ish hours of the game. Vivi needs no explanation he's just the best and a good kid.
Steiner is great and an absolute goof, Dagger is immediately interesting, some of her mid-game sorta interactions are a bit meandering, but she really ends up as a great character by the end. Freya didn't get enough closure but still a good character that I can't help but really like cuz she's just cool and a really big humanoid rat. Amarant is one of those characters who're weird and subtle in how they develop, even during the explicit development parts, and I really like him for that.
Eiko is cute and a gremlin and while she initially seems like she'll be an annoying child, she ends up being quite likable by the end. And Quina is just the weirdest thing ever, but they're very funny sometimes so they get a pass.
Tons more major and minor characters I could talk about, but the gist is that they're all great and memorable and I love each and everyone of them cuz they're so goofy and unique. Music is amazing, too. The final boss theme is just so good especially considering this is a PS1 game. Highly recommend.

Still a perfect game. The uncontrollable party members weren't really an issue, if you use the tactics correctly then they work very well and very efficiently.The story hits hard as always, and Aegis is just objectively the best girl ever written for the series. Has problems in gameplay, usually social link related with how easily girls specifically get mad or jealous, and a lot of social links can fall flat or feel tedious, but I can honestly overlook it because the game as a whole is wonderful. Great combat, an amazing story, incredibly well developed characters, incredibly memorable and iconic music, and one of the most beautiful endings in a video game. This game is worth the investment and the 7 playthroughs I've done.

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I wanna say first of all that Quistis is pretty hot and Rinoa is probably my fav of the main heroines from the PS1 trilogy (sorry Aerith and Garnet).
I would like for everyone to formally apologize to me for making me think that FF8 was mid or not as good as the others cuz it was amazing.
The junction system is pretty straightforward, put magic into a stat and watch as that stat gains nearly the max amount of stat points, and certain magic works better with certain stats.
That definitely made the game pretty easy for the most part, and the only part I really had trouble was the final boss where I refused to go out and get better junctions cuz I wanted to keep my flow, but otherwise the entire game is easy. That doesn't make it boring though, the junction system is fun to abuse, and getting to absolutely body enemies is a joy especially when you get Ultima as early as Disc 2 and proceed to abuse that draw point.
Character-wise, Squall is pretty equal to Zidane and Cloud for me, he has a great character arc that's enhanced by everything from the main antagonist to his supporting cast to his romance to even the names of the final boss themes, it's that well-done. And the music, it's great, Uematsu always does great work. I think this work is my 2nd fav of the PS1 trilogy, behind 7 and above 9, but those final themes really amplify the experience, though unfortunately they're not as catchy as Grand Cross or One-Winged Angel, but the themes surrounding those songs really help amplify them.
I think this supporting cast is one of my favourites. They feel significantly more involved and developed than 7's was, and actually being forced to at times play with characters I wasn't at all familiar with actually made me appreciate them more. Rinoa, again, is my fav heroine as she really is able to prod at Squall and make him think more than he wishes to. Half of his group having undiagnosed autism also helps in making him realize he's a bit too much of a loner for his own good. And Seifer being a reflection of him, it's all good shit and handled amazingly well.
And motherfucking Laguna, literally the SINGLE best girlfailure in Japanese media history. He's incredibly hilarious and an amazing foil to Squall's serious and moody attitude. Kiros and Ward, Laguna's buddies, also bounce well off him and act as true ride-or-die besties.
There's a couple negatives, mostly in that the menus are still making me accidentally exit out of them even 45 hours into the game cuz I'm both an idiot and the menus are unclear. Another negative is the level scaling, you level up too much and you end up making the game harder on yourself, but the same if you level too little. There's a balance, but as long as you take the time to junction appropriate magic into your stats and actually level up weapons (unlike me where I only did that in post-game cuz I didn't wanna farm materials) then you'll do fine despite how kinda jank the level scaling can be. But to make up for that, the ending is absolutely beautiful and it's def my favourite of the PS1 trilogy, it hits all the right notes.
This game is a solid 10/10 like the rest of the PS1 trilogy. It's worth your time, it should be remembered more fondly too, I hope more people realize how awesome it is.
(Spoilers also, but holy mother of fuck "Maybe I'm a Lion" is such a PEAK boss theme name cuz of what that means for Squall like that's so PEAK they were fucking COOKING with the finest ingredients)

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I want to preface this review by saying I think this game is rushed. The story, gameplay, and writing barely suffered from this in my experience, but there are many elements that show signs of being rushed. Glitches engaging from funny to annoying or game breaking, a lack of being able to change the time of day in the post-game, a lack of NG+, and a rushed finale post a specific mission. All signs the game was rushed in some capacity.
Despite this, the game is very clearly a love letter to Spider-Man media, several Spider-Man stories, and most especially Venom and Kraven. Characters are written excellently, the story captures you hard and keeps you engaged even in the lows of the rushed final act, and the gameplay is so vastly improved from the previous games that I honestly would never want to go back to play them ever again just because this game adds in so many tweaks that renders the others virtually invalid. The symbiote powers are incredibly fun to play with, the spider arms give Peter a much needed boost in his gameplay, and Miles' new electric powers are also very fun to screw around with. Traversal is probably the best it's ever been since Web of Shadows and I don't think I've ever had so much fun just mindlessly swinging across Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. The new boroughs sure aren't too horribly distinct from the main island, but they give more space to play around with and that's all I want in the end. As for villains, Kraven is just the best. An absolute menace from beginning to end that steals the show whenever he's on screen. Venom doesn't have enough screentime, but whenever he's there he's also a menace worthy of Tony Todd's amazing voice work. Kraven is perfect, and Venom is nearly perfect, he just needed more time. Regardless, the game's small flaws compound to annoy me enough to give the game a tentative 10/10. Once the bugs and the lack of day time switching and NG+ are addressed, my only complaint will be the rushed final arc. At that point I'll have no problem saying this game is my absolute favourite Spider-Man game.
(This is an edit: I want to amend something I said at the beginning. I think the writing definitely did suffer as a result of rushing, and I now realize that this game definitely deserved more time in the oven. I think I still prefer it to Spidey 1, but I'd say Spidey 1 is still a better game all around, but the gameplay improvements made here are so good that I can't ever see myself returning to the first two. Gameplay can carry a game SEVERELY, that's why I think sometimes it's better to focus on improving gameplay as opposed to other elements, and this is one of those cases where the story may be worse than the first game but the gameplay (and side content) definitely make up for it in spades.)

It's a perfect game to me. Every route is unique and has their own gameplay loops and smart use of the RPG system to keep the experience fresh althroughout. The best routes especially were the ones that went beyond the simple JRPG format and did something unique; Edo Japan, Wild West, Present Day, and Distant Future being the most unique. The others follow more closely with standard JRPG design, but are still unique and fun to play nonetheless, with Near Future having my favourite story, Prehistory having the funniest visual gags, and Imperial China having the best gameplay. The way every story ties into each other is perfect, in my opinion. The set up to that is perfect, it made the stories for each route go from fun adventures to precursors for something bigger and incredibly unique. The music is fucking gorgeous as well, great battle themes, great character themes, stellar boss themes, most especially the final boss ones, and some great pieces to emphasize the emotions of a scene. Game is pretty as hell too and makes use of the HD-2D style to make scenes more unique and dynamic despite what could initially be seen as a limitation from the pixel sprites. This is an experience, getting to go through each route, fighting enemies, listening to amazing music, getting to experience amazing stories, it's all perfect to me and should be gone into as blind as possible. I knew absolutely nothing and walked straight in as a wide eyed child and came out of the experience a traumatized adult. It's perfect.

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Yeah, definitely my favourite Spider-Man game.
There's definitely things I think that some other games do better I won't lie, but there's a strong passion behind this game that makes it clear that the devs wanted to create their ideal Spider-Man game. The respect to the mythos is clear with how much they get right about Peter and his dynamic with being Spider-Man. They set up future plot points well, teasing at fan favourite characters and concepts while not making the game all about fan service and "oh look we're doing THAT in the sequel" or "oh look THIS character is going to pop up".
It balances fan service with genuinely amazing writing for Peter, MJ, Miles, and every other character. Of course, the "fodder" villains of the sinister six don't get as much development, but they're still interesting and fun to encounter.
Side content can be lacking, especially with the over abundance of enemy bases and all the random crimes, but some of the content is very engaging and fun. Taskmaster challenges are fun and easy enough to do but still give a challenge. The stations can be a bit of a pain to do, but individually they all have quirks that make them interesting story or gameplay wise. And some side missions are fun and play into the friendly neighborhood aspect of Spider-Man.
Gameplay is a really great mixture of many elements that came before. Wall bouncing from Ultimate, elements of air combat and the web strike from Web of Shadows, and the dodge system from 2 alongside obviously Arkham inspired details. It's a great mixture and the game is definitely fun to play combat wise, especially when you're fighting the uncommon enemies that punish you for being in the air or outright block the use of some of your gadgets. It keeps combat interesting.
Swinging is certainly simple, but by no means is it as automated as some people say. It needs player input in order for it to be fun and engaging, simply holding R2 does nothing. I do wish that it was easier to mess up to encourage learning mechanics, but as it is now it's certainly not bad and is fun to use. Swinging animations are nice, they all feel good, and the point launch mechanic helps with the low buildings or when there's nothing to swing from. It's not as in-depth mechanically as Web of Shadows or 2, but it most certainly holds up and is engaging and fun.
The game is a strong love letter to Spider-Man, so while it may not exactly be the best at any category, other than story, the passion the team had for this game makes it my favourite, and I enjoy playing it over and over again, whether I'm trying to do side content or just swinging around with no aim or purpose. It's fun and an amazing base to build up from that Miles Morales, a side game, already showed can be improved with just a few minor tweaks and additions.

A huge upgrade over Remake in every way: gameplay, music, pacing, characters, side quests. The open-world checklist aspects can definitely be the sort of thing that annoys people, but it isn't that bad honestly. It's fun getting to run around, earning points to exchange for some really awesome materia while getting exp and doing side quests related to some of those checklist tasks. It really is just fun.
Right off the bat, the game has an amazing opening that it follows through on as the chapters progress, but more importantly it coalesces into an indescribably incredible and simultaneously confusing final chapter. Everything up till then is understandable and falls in line with the progression of OG (along with Vincent and Yuffie being non-optional now which means they get some great interactions with the rest of the cast), but that final chapter is when the plot really becomes its own. And the final fight, the genuine gauntlet that is the final boss is superb, and it amazes they did it: it makes me wonder what they're gonna do for the final fight of the third remake.
And the ending. It's amazing, so melancholic yet you almost can't focus on your sadness cuz there's something even more pressing going on, something way more pressing than the OG's plot.
Overall this game definitely cements the remakes as amazing titles, and I just hope the finale manages to stick the landing. I believe OG is still better as of now because it's a complete plot and it doesn't have the very spoiler-heavy plot point going on, but I think that if the final game can stick the landing then this game series will be on par with the original and serve as an amazing follow-up to it. But time will tell on that, for right now, Rebirth is an incredibly solid game and has me excited.

Right off the bat, I think I prefer FF9's characters more cuz I like the goofier vibe they have.
Regardless of that, this game's more serious tone really allows for some amazing interactions between the game's 3 best characters who are always in the party. The political side of this game is so interesting and I loved watching it unfold, seeing the ways in which the antagonist did their utmost to essentially save the world in their own way even if it involved so much bloodshed. Vaan is definitely not as good of a protag as Zidane and that's mostly cuz Vaan doesn't get as many moments to show off his character, but when he does it's great. Gameplay-wise, this game is an improvement over 9 in basically every way for me because I just LOVE building my own party using classes I can pick and customize, and as long as you're not stupid it's actually pretty easy to have an easy time in the game (minus those freaking Espers that're optional). Music is great, too, but it's obviously more cinematic and less about being a good standalone listening experience like FF9 was. I'd say I enjoyed this one as much as FF9, and it's a story I wanna revisit really badly cuz I wanna pay more attention to what it was showing me.
And yeah, it's a pretty great Star Wars movie

Really good action game, one of the best movie tie-ins made cuz they just made a really damn good product. Lots of gore, a really cool damage system, really fun skills to use, environmental kills, lots of badass animations, the game has everything. Hell, it has like 3 really great rival fights, too, it's genuinely amazing. Story is basically just a way to get you to the cool parts, but it's pretty worth it. So much enemy variety, too, and they all have their own ways of fighting that make it so you have to interact with them in completely different ways, and then they come in pretty big waves with usually 3 or more enemy types to keep the encounters interesting. It's great, highly recommend it to anyone who likes enjoying themselves and doing things that make them happy (aka everyone).

Off the bat, not as solid of a package as the OG 7 and that's partially due to the fact this is an incomplete story but also due to some very real and very obvious pacing issues. They clearly wanted to spend some more time in certain sections, as shown with all the side quests, but wow sometimes it comes to a screeching halt and it feels very slow.
But despite that, the game is absolutely amazing. Combat is incredibly fun, I enjoyed doing a hellish amount of damage with Cloud using staggers, and the way each of the 4 playable characters played was fun.
Story is still great and the ways in which this story subverts, or attempts to anyway, the original is great and lead to some very cute, awesome, and sad moments. Even the slow pacing doesn't take away from the Remake's original scenes, they're all a joy to witness for one reason or another, and even coming fresh off of 7 it didn't feel like I was treading old ground when so much of it was new. And I have to say, the ending just absolutely captured some of my favourite tropes, and it's an absolutely amazing homage to the final fight of the original. And the ending past that introducing new elements for the Remake canon is just hype inducing.
Music is great, too. So many awesome remixes, some great new tracks sprinkled here and there, and just a raw energy to some of them that make them just as memorable to the original.
Characters are portrayed awesomely by their VAs and getting to hear these characters coming to life makes me incredibly happy. Only one I'd say I have an issue with is Cloud's VA, he seems to be stilted in some pieces of dialogue that doesn't seem to be an intentional bit for his character. Regardless, characterization is awesome.
I think this Remake even if I give it a lower score than the OG game absolutely deserves praise for creating such a beautiful rendition and reimagining of the original Midgar section. It sets up so much, and I'm excited to see how it handles it in Rebirth.

Good lord, ok so there's a billion and one things to say about the game.
Firstly, the combat is GREAT. I really like the positioning elements as well as the card system. The card system and how environmental attacks play off each other is especially great. Some cards let you get more turns, others buff you for one or several turns, and some other ones are either indescribable amounts of damage or some really cool positioning related attacks, like portals or creating a field that makes your teammates heal and become immune to one attack. It's great and becomes really in-depth and a little stressful at the end, especially if you actually bother to up the difficulty like I did (I went up to Heroic III but I toned it down to Heroic II for sanity's sake).
Story is pretty simple, there's a prophecy and you wanna stop it. Some twists are expected, others are pretty surprising and a little hype (final fight has a really good one). I think the game shines most strongly in its character writing. And I'm like 80% sure people are gonna get irritated at the group taking every single chance to argue possible, but I think that leads to some good dynamics. They argue, cliques form, some people like others more, some people hate others more, but they still try to work together. And when upping your relationships with the individual characters, that's when the writing becomes the best. It's fun seeing how these characters develop, how having the MC in their lives changes their views a tad bit and how they start trusting you more and more. It's quite literally Western Persona, so that's really cool. Game took me 70 hours to beat, and yeah honestly it could slog at times, but the character writing helped me through near the end. I absolutely recommend it to everyone, it's a fun time and probably one of the best Marvel games ever made. It's such a shame it flopped commercially cuz I'd love to see these ideas expanded upon with other Marvel groups: X-Men, Avengers, etc.

The game has a lot of highs and lows, but overall it's an incredibly good game. Definitely doesn't have any of what makes RE iconic, but the story can be genuinely great, specifically Chris and Jake's campaigns, and the gameplay can be really fun as well, with Jake having the best gameplay (and final boss) while Ada and Leon are both a tad bit boring at times. It may not be a Resident Evil game other than name and characters, but it's an enjoyable time.

In total, this might be around the 10th time I've replayed this game.
The game is very fun, definitely rough in a few areas or just simplistic, such as the swinging and combat, but is a very solid package.
The art style is unique and makes the game still look great even now, they did an absolutely perfect job at translating Mark Barley's art style into the game.
Combat is simple, not too complex, but it has a few mechanics that I liked. The wall bounce is fun and clearly inspired Spider-Man PS4, but here it's a bit harder to pull off consistently but does really good damage.
The swinging is more simple than Spider-Man 2, Web of Shadows, and even PS4, but it has a solid swing boost mechanic as well as web climbing that add in a bit of depth. Wall running is easy to pull off too and gives you the ability to continue the momentum off the web. An underrated part is the animations, they're smooth and beautiful and make the game feel good even if the swinging is very simple mechanics wise.
Missions are always fun, every story mission has something unique about it that makes it memorable, be it a boss fight or a fun use of the mechanics, or races/timed challenges.
Venom is an absolute beast and this game makes you feel powerful and unstoppable with him. My favourite aspect is that his health constantly drains, meaning you need to eat people in order to stay alive, a great way of incentivizing his gameplay and a good way of weaving story and gameplay together.
For the bad, I think the combat does get rather stale if you're not fighting bosses. Some bosses are too easy, such as Rhino where all you really need to do is jump away from him to avoid every attack and he just can't hit you. The same can be said if a few other bosses, but they will usually have ranged attacks that can hit you if you're not careful enough. The game also doesn't have too much replay value, ignoring the fact I've replayed this too many times, it's only got the story, races, combat runs, and the Johnny Storm races, which aren't necessarily enough to keep you engaged past the main content.
Overall, a solid game, and should definitely be remembered for the really amazing visuals, the cool story, and abundant and at times really fun boss fights. The music too is absolutely stellar, so many memorable tracks and lietmotifs throughout.