A hard game to recommend to the average "gamer". It starts slow, but then quickly transitions into the surreal and is full of dark humor. One might call it a walking simulator, but I'd say it's a bit more than just that. It is interested in a philosophical dialogue on the nature of faith vs morality and free will, but I don't think it does more than scratch the surface. There is also a wild variety of puzzles and types of gameplay throughout, and some hit and some very much miss.

Despite some inconsistency, Indika is right up my alley for games that make you sad and think about stuff. And considering how small the team was that made this game, (not to mention that they needed to flee Russia to complete it), it's honestly a small miracle.

Truly a game where less would have been more. Decently interesting gameplay and a serivceable plot would have been much more compelling if this was a 30ish hour game and not a 60ish hour game.