Omno is a beautiful, imaginative, and wholesome indie platformer. I adore the art direct and creature design. The world and it’s characters just defy imagination and it’s often hard to believe it was made by just one person. I just wish I could say I loved the gameplay as much the visuals.

It’s certainly not the worst I’ve played, and I did enjoy most of it, but some of the platforming during the game left me feeling really aggravated because of how difficult it was to control the main character during jumping or hovering. The game also features puzzles, but some were really difficult to solve because the game doesn’t offer a lot of hints or clues. One puzzle I ended up just guessing the solution after going through a half an hour of trial and error which didn’t make me very happy.

As for the story in Omno, it’s barely present. It’s goes for a ‘less is more’ approach and does a great job at accomplishing it. The files in each area are a little repetitive with the writing and could have used a little more variation. All in all though, Omni is a great indie game and I’m glad I got the chance to play it!

+beautiful art design
+simple, but good story
+good sound track

-some frustrating platforming
-some puzzles lack clues/hints

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2022
