Say whatever you want about this game, but i loved every single second i had with it. The soundtrack, the gameplay, the story, THE SOUNDTRACK AGAIN. I loved it all, it doesn´t make any sense, but that´s not the point. Just enjoy the ride.

I hate this game with with every fiber of my body.

I hate that last level with the timer.

I remember being a kid ad finding this the most difficult thing on earth. Now that i am an adult, i can see all the flaws and the fact that the game is very very repetitive, but still, i kinda liked the experience of playing again with a new pair of eyes.


Had a fun time with my best friend driving around the cars, when i played it fortnite didnt have cars yet, but besides that it doesn´t have anymore qualities.

There are very few games with an atmosphere as good as this one.

Have you ever heard the definition of overrated?

Good memories of me and my sister playing it .

This is the best thing to ever exist, and there is nothing you can say to make think differently

The average rating shows how tasteless some of you are.

I had ungodly amounts of fun from this games for years. To all days, to late nights, from hyper focused moments, to relaxed moments just talking about life.

Hello everyone my name is Markiplier.

Hello everyone my name is Markiplier.