This is the best thing to ever exist, and there is nothing you can say to make think differently

Good memories of me and my sister playing it .

Have you ever heard the definition of overrated?

There are very few games with an atmosphere as good as this one.


Had a fun time with my best friend driving around the cars, when i played it fortnite didnt have cars yet, but besides that it doesn´t have anymore qualities.

I remember being a kid ad finding this the most difficult thing on earth. Now that i am an adult, i can see all the flaws and the fact that the game is very very repetitive, but still, i kinda liked the experience of playing again with a new pair of eyes.

I hate that last level with the timer.

I hate this game with with every fiber of my body.

Say whatever you want about this game, but i loved every single second i had with it. The soundtrack, the gameplay, the story, THE SOUNDTRACK AGAIN. I loved it all, it doesn´t make any sense, but that´s not the point. Just enjoy the ride.

I had an amazing expirience with this game. At first i didn´t like it, but as time went by I started appreciating everything about it. Can´t wait to put my hands on the sequel.

It was super fun in the beginning but awhile it falls do the opne world syndrome most games suffer from.

I hate it. That´s it. I don´t want to talk about it anymore.

Why so much hate? It was kind of fun for what it is.