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Had to shelf this guy. The visuals and narrative of this game just cannot be understated, especially the former. This is a truly beautiful game, from start to finish. The story has very well realized characters and is just very thematically sound, it's a great story. Some of the set pieces are really something, seeing Jin's change of heart throughout the game is up there with the stunning visuals.

However, it's really just not that fun to play. An action game without a lock-on feature is just... a bizarre decision. At a certain point combat becomes kill or be killed in one hit, which may sound interesting, but it's more like the game is a cakewalk until it's a tightrope walk. The world is a bit too vast with inconsequential side quests that couldn't hold my interest.
It's a good game, I understand why some people really enjoyed it, but a bit overhyped in my opinion.