Such a great and unique take for a puzzle game. I love the narrative as it makes you feel tense and scared throughout. You can really see a lot of influence from the Stanley Parable in the level design and the narrative. Add in some great music to add to the theme and you have yourself a creepy but fun puzzle experience.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2023


6 months ago

Heard great things about this one! I'm surprised to hear that it has a horror element, based on your review Flamey?

6 months ago

The horror element comes from its atmosphere alone really. While the main focus is the puzzles its general narrative and atmosphere adds a great horror tone to it. If you have played games like the stanley parable or firewatch those are two games id compare it to, they arent exactly horror games but they have tense atmospheres. Id 100 percent recommend

6 months ago

Make sure you tag commentators brother, otherwise I won't get a notification!

I've played Firewatch, so I definitely understand what you mean- it's very unsettling, but thrillerish.

6 months ago

@RedBackLoggd I had no idea you had to tag commentors, thanks for letting me know!

6 months ago

Haha no worries, we all learn one way.

6 months ago

Unless you're commenting on the person's review, than obviously that user will get the notification regardless.
@flameyboy928 yeah it's a feature they added early this year, wasnt like this years prior lol