Boyfriend dungeon is kind of casual game combining dungeon hack and slash with a bit of visual novel style romancing. The idea is good for a casual game, it was exactly what I was looking for in between long heavy RPGs and adventures. The dungeon part is very average hack and slash, you theoretically have different weapons which correspond different boyfriends but in practice most of the game just button smashing, which wouldn't be too bad for casual game but added to super boring randomly generated dungeons it gets boring before long. The game is only few hours of playtime for 100 % and you end up seeing same dungeon layouts and same dialogues in the dungeons multiple times. The visual novel part is also very average, the characters and the story aren't bad per se, quite well-written characters and all, but nothing super interesting either, just barely enough that I finished the game but wouldn't go back for sequels or dlc's if any.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
