Absolute powerhouse of a game and one of the best video game storylines I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I had heard these games were good, great even, and that they had fun stories, but I was not ready for the storm of emotion and conflict this game constantly smacks you in the face with. Its a genuine masterpiece. Combat is decent, pretty well-made but nothing crazy, but fun nonetheless. Great side content (though pretty time consuming too). Ruined my sleep cycle but I think it was worth it

I love and hate this game in equal parts. On one hand, it improves on a lot of the mechanics and abilities from the first game. On the other, this game is full of bugs that impact combat like getting stuck in walls/objects, enemy attack indicators not showing up for no reason, enemies falling through the ground or being unable to attack, and more. Also the 1st is guilty of this too but it gets really repetitive. Every region is the same loop of activities with a 50/50 mix of engaging and boring story missions tossed in. The story is cool, the combat (when working as intended) is fluid and rich with cool abilities, and the environments are amazing. But, those little issues can really sour your enjoyment.

This is a great game but it has a bunch of little things that really annoy me. That being said its definitely worth playing overall