Quit during the first person mode 7 shooting stage near the end lol

The super star wars games in general are really tough and its most apparent with this one. The first two or so stages give an extremely bad impression with how frustratingly difficult they are; its made quickly apparent that enemies just keep respawning and spawning on and on and on, and the platforming takes a little while to get used to due to the jump timing (and there being technically two jumps, a regular jump and a high jump).

There are mode 7 stages that just kinda suck tbh lol, moreso than the regular stages.

The game isn't all terrible which makes me even more frustrated with it. It gets better later on and there's clear effort put into making this game fun. But they really fumbled with the difficulty and that awful, awful first stage.

The game also has some really bad framerate issues for like 90% of the game. If you can I'd suggest playing it overclocked or whatever.

I don't really have much to say otherwise. I'd comment on how it portrays the star wars franchise but at the time of writing this I have not watched any Star wars movie. Game looks nice and the music sounds good, and the three playable characters are distinct enough from each other.

Reviewed on May 03, 2023


1 year ago

you should watch the movies you'd like Chewbacca:)

1 year ago

he's my type tbh