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The original Tsukihime is one of my favorite stories, even with its major flaws. I love the urban fantasy setting it has and its themes about the fragility of life. I definitely think that a remaster or retry of any kind could easily elevate the game into something better than it already was, but surprisingly…. it never got one. After its initial PC release in 2000 it pretty much ended there. No Realta Nua styled port for either PC or consoles, no digital re-release for modern OS… nothing. Instead, a long awaited full remake of the game was promised. However… that was in 2008. It took until 2021 for what is essentially only the first half of the remake project to release. Now, I certainly have a lot of choice words about Type Moon’s release schedule especially in recent years, but settling that aside I have to say- this remake alongside it’s official localization that dropped this year is absolutely SUBLIME.
I pre-ordered the limited edition physical of this game for Christ’s sake- and I am very glad I did. I have to say, alongside the latter routes of the original game this is easily my favorite story by Nasu. Arcueid’s route is mostly the same, it changes around and adds some new stuff but it keeps what made the original so great. Notably I think that this route handles the more adult scenes from the original much more maturely and tastefully. I’d mostly put this route on par with what came before, it tweaks the nitpicks I had and adds in some new stuff that is very welcome.
The real meat of the remake is Ciel’s route, which is completely built from the ground up. Ciel’s route in Tsukihime was the worst in the game, not that it was particularly bad, but rather it was barely even her own route, mostly repeating scenes from Arc’s side with new scenes that were okay at best. This is where the new added cast of the game really shines through, giving Ciel a proper character arc and introducing us to what is probably the best antagonist in Tsukihime. Ciel’s new route also puts more focus on the action, which I was really hoping for. The original always felt like it was intended to be the “action” themed route of the bunch especially with Powered Ciels’ heavy 90’s R-rated anime coding, and it doesn't disappoint here.
I was really excited to play this when the english version was announced and I’m even happier to say that the translation is one of the finest I’ve read. It preserves a lot of the nuance of Nasu’s prose but isn’t afraid to have some character of its own when it can. Depending on your tastes it may not be perfect but I think for most audiences, me included, it’s a damn fine translation and localization job. It makes me even more excited for the Fate/Stay Night remaster that is supposed to drop this year, and beyond ecstatic for what Red Garden, the remake of the latter half of Tsukihime, has in store whenever it decides to drop.
click, click, clack. tap.
-I look at the time on my screen as I finish typing. I sigh to myself and recline in my seat.
I’m not particularly proud of this piece, but I’ll keep it, I think everyone else here has spoken on this game for me.
It’s been a fun couple years being on this site, writing reviews and making friends. But I’m ready to move on. Thank you for reading what I’ve put out ever since I joined this site. It means a lot to me and gave me passion in something I’m actually kind of good at. Will I actually be quitting reviews on this site forever? I’m not entirely sure, but I feel fine letting go and finding other places to write. I don’t think this community is for me anymore. All the new followers and likes don’t really mean anything to me anymore and I just feel more frustrated with the site as time goes on. I hope you understand my decision. I won’t be entirely gone, I’ll probably still add games and lists, but I’m done with reviewing or actually being apart of this community.

Maybe, maybe someday, we’ll meet under the moon once more.

A straight up improvement in every regard from its predecessors, PaRappa 2 easily lands its place as the best game of the trilogy. I love a lot of the PlayStation 2’s early offerings as they almost represent the end of an era, back when short, sub-20 hour games were commonplace in your console library alongside your 40+ hour behemoths. In less than two hours I finished the main game while having pure groove injected into my veins. The game overall just strikes that specific hip-hop chord for me especially compared to the first game. I’m also happy to say that PaRappa 2 unironically has great gameplay! It’s extremely easy on the default difficulty but I love the looseness of the freestyle system and the input interpreter feels just right. This is a fantastic game, emblematic of my favorite era of games and the attitude surrounding their development. It’s short, fun, and worth your time. Play this!

I think a term commonly associated with romance/sol animanga and games is “wish fulfillment.” Now, from my experience, it's a term usually met with some level of disdain or condescension. “Wow what a loser, they need this thing to feel good about themselves.” And, sure, I can understand where that attitude comes from, in fact I'm like that sometimes too. But I feel it's not that simple. People come from different backgrounds, places, and circumstances. Sometimes what we need is comfort from something, even if it isn't real.
Clannad, among many, many other beloved visual novels is boiled down to the common “your friends and family are important, your life is worth living” morals, but is it a bad thing to be so commonly communicated? I would assume that Maeda and the many other writers at Key are trying to convey this, and even if they were or not, intention does not always align with found purpose. Tomoya Okazaki, our protagonist, is a great stand in for players like me to some degree. He's still his own character, but I think him being a loner to align with the usual “wish fulfillment” protagonist role really works to its benefit. No matter your background or role, there is worth in finding friends and family, whether it be genetic or found. It finally gives us purpose to those who feel so aimless in life. Clannad is not simply “wish fulfillment” at play. It's inspiring us to fulfill those wishes ourselves, and fulfill the wishes of others.
I’ve seen complaints about Clannad’s core structure before, as for some people the routes are “not interconnected enough”. But is that a problem? In my opinion, anyway, Clannad is an anthology of the multiple “what if” scenarios surrounding Okazaki’s journey in life. While Nagisa’s route is what leads to the true ending of the story, it doesn’t make the other routes pointless. Regardless of what is the “true” outcome of the story, your experiences and how you see these characters develop will always live on with the player. You get to see Okazaki give these people true happiness in life, and by the true ending, he is repaid for everything he’s done. While in gameplay the route system is a little rough around the edges with much needed polish, I think playing with a guide allows for a very smooth experience.
Playing this after my most prior Key visual novel experience, that being AIR, really opened my eyes to how well thought out and executed much of Clannad is. While AIR suffers from an overly ambitious but ultimately meaningless structure, Clannad takes a safer approach and cuts out any filler. Jun Maeda and his team really wanted to make up for the mistakes of AIR, and you can really tell from how much more polish is applied to this game. Despite this being one of the longest games I’ve ever played, Clannad rarely falls victim to artificial padding. The game gives you and makes proper use of the “skip already read text” feature, which makes hopping into your next route a very quick and easy experience. It helps that the game is split into 10+ routes that all vary in length, meaning I don’t think the game can ever burn you out from a scenario. Each route (with two exceptions, one being entirely optional) is very different overall so nothing is samey either. I’d also like to make note of the amount of content on offer, Clannad is not only long from the main game but has TONS of little secrets and extra blurbs of dialogue to discover, it really feels like the team wanted to put as much as they could onto the disc.
And that’s the overall thing I love about Clannad: it’s very polished. Not perfect, but very damn close. Clannad may seem safe or tropey, but it uses those aspects and pushes them to a wonderful and engaging extent. The current top review tries to make fun of fans of this game and I’d have to say that this person probably has never experienced joy in their life. None of the huge visual novels I’ve played so far have been flops, and Clannad is no exception either. In fact, out of the three (Higurashi, Tsukihime, Clannad) I would say this is my new favorite, and knowing that Key still has some fantastic games in their catalog for me to still try out (Kanon, Little Busters!, and Rewrite) has me so immensely excited. But none of those games, or any visual novels in the future will take away what a special experience Clannad was for me. I had taken a long break from reviews and I needed to get out of that slump, and this game was what inspired me to write a little something again, especially seeing how none of the longer reviews about this game on this site are in good faith. I wanted to fix that. Thank you for reading, and if this review manages to get even one person to fully play through this game, I’ll be happy.