My experience with racing games is rather limited, but Riders immediately caught my attention with just how. Gosh.DArn.FUCKING. FUN. it is. Fast as hell hoverboard racing ooo bby yeah sign me the fuck up.

Riders is an extremely engaging game: the fast-paced gameplay just demands you to learn all of the knick knacks and get more skilled, utilizing the different character types, gears, and stage layout; it's so satisfying when you successfully pull off tricks to get an X rank, or successfully grind on rails and speed ahead of the rest. It's definitely a game most fun when you aim to master its mechanics. The story is wackity ass fun, the characters are awesome (and very expressive i might add) and its just a good time; while not necessarily getting too deep into them, the new characters (the babylon rogues) are pretty cool (Wave <3) and the rivalry between them and the main cast is fun (to the point that I wish we got too see more of Tails vs Wave and Knux vs Storm moments). The Babylonian lore introduced is fairly interesting too. The visuals and music are mwah mwah smooch smooch - the vibes man, they're good. I wouldn't really say its too heavily emphasized but there's a nice futurey-techno style here.

The biggest complaint with this game really is that its hard to get into the gameplay: Riders literally just does not explain shit to you about how the gameplay works apart from a half assed tutorial you have to look through the bonus menu to find. As a result it can really sour the racing experience when you don't really know what to do (of course, you can just experiment, but that's gonna take long). I just watched a tutorial vid on youtube to understand the game mechanics and tested out what i learned through free races, that's what I found to be the best way to learn the game for me.

That....really is just my only complaint honestly lol. It's the biggest hurdle and once you get over it, this game just gets so hella awesome.

I would definitely recommend mods like DX or Tournament Edition for a competitive multiplayer experience, as they enhance the game and add some new content with that purpose in mind.

anyways play sonic riders lol

Reviewed on May 07, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

"wow he's bisexual I didn't know that"
"Oh and by the way I'm bisexual-"