Gameplay improved but the story is just so lame... it drags.

In league with games like Chrono Trigger

Might be my favorite SMT game? I miss crawlers

I actually think the golden content really kills the pacing of the original game, and all the goofiness added in kinda flanderizes the characters and kills the tension. Marie sucks too

How could you possibly make cyberpunk demons feel bland

More bland than I remembered, just play the new ones. The HD edition not including untold content is buffoonish

good fighting game. Rising fixes most my gripes

mind hurty story, in classic xeno fashion. I like that. The actual gameplay is the annoying part

Great story, held back by terrible cast of characters, pathetic horny-bait weapon gacha, and absolutely unfunny comic relief that constantly kills the vibe. Goes to show how good the game is that I still give it a 4/5

dream game for psychotic minmaxxers

Indie game takes retro aesthetic too seriously by being a broken piece of trash. Ugly as hell, runs terribly, so many glitches. Dissapointing

the plot is actually good, you're sleeping on it

good story. I regret not playing earlier