Oh, the path we could have taken Gamefreak

Just didn't get it as a kid. Maybe I'll come back

I was so young I can't remember a thing but I definitely loved it back then

Didn't work for me. Shrug

Listen I love the idea and the story but gameplay is an absolute bummer. Unplayable in my opinion. I'd rather boot up Pathologic

For a monster collector game, the monster collecting is infuriating. Art is great at least

It's too long and Rein is an absolute dishrag, insane that they gave him 4 games. Ugh. School setting is contrived, cast isn't explored sufficiently despite them having 4 100-hour games to do so, ugh.

Maybe this is not my style of game

Normally I'd ding it for ass gameplay but Planescape transcends the boorishness of combat

Fun but I feel no need to finish it

Overwhelming mediocrity. Give me my time back

You go on a crazy days long binge in these games, then afterwards you're like, "do I even care about BotW at all"? I did not