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I don't have much to say about the Klonoa games after (mostly) completing the first two, courtesy of the Phantasy Reverie Series remake collection - and not in a bad way necessarily. They are both enjoyable platformers with a combination of simplicity and unexpected challenge spikes that come with the whole PS1-era platformer territory, and you can tell from the first couple of levels if the game is for you; both games are also largely identical beyond the addition of awkward "snow"board sections in Klonoa 2 (as is customary with mascot platformer sequels). Had I become acquainted with these games during my formative years in another lifetime, I might have become so captivated by their whimsical characters and suddenly dramatic stories that I could very well have a Klonoa OC hiding somewhere in my internet history. As it is, coming to these for the first time in 2024, they're not quite so tight and remarkable that they'd offer a unique experience to truly wow a seasoned mascot platformer veteran. The later-game challenge revolving around split second reaction speeds isn't quite my thing either, and often feels like a test of patience more than skill. Cult classics then and understandably so, but the kool aid isn't quite for me.