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Goes in a pretty different direction than the first one with an upgrade in scope, story, and graphics.
Recombines elements of the old puzzles with interesting new mechanics naturally and intuitively.

The story takes a different approach too, where the first game focuses on the nature of humanity and personhood, the second game is interested in the value of humanity and seeks to ask the player if human proliferation is inherently destructive or if we can coexist peacefully with the planet.
Some may dismiss it as a Malthusian and misanthropic, but I feel it's a relevant question to ask. Especially in the game's universe where humanity did almost get wiped out by it's own hand.
It's cool to see how the characters in the game are aware of the dilemma between their creator's desire for humanity to live on and their mere existence setting them up to repeat the mistakes of their ancestors.
The game's characters come to different conclusions shaped by the player's responses and choices throughout the game.
Just like the first game this gave me something to think about even after completing it and I'm still not sure of how much faith to place in humanity. I came away with a tentative feeling that it's possible to wield our power properly to maximise pleasure and beauty in the universe.

The puzzles scaled in difficulty nicely and introduced new mechanics well. Gold puzzles were fun and difficult and put some good twists on previously mastered mechanics.

Fun puzzle game with some truly devious puzzles at the end and in the DLC. Interesting story with a cool framing device. Goes into some discussions on the nature of personhood and legacy that caused some introspection and lingered with me after playing.
I liked the elements where you break out of puzzles too, they require you to be perceptive but are mostly doable organically without guides. Some stars were pretty unintuitive to me and required a hint but I won't hold it against the game.

Pretty fun little puzzle game, it's a bit short and didn't make that much use of it's main mechanic (apart from one puzzle near the end switching it up).