Literally one of the best survival horror games I've ever played. Amazing how almost 20 years later and this game really feels like it hasn't aged all too badly. Sure, the voice acting can be a bit... campy borderline cringe and some mechanics of the game may feel not as streamlined as you would like it to be, but all that aside this game really defines the survival horror genre in all aspects. I've never really played Resi games growing up, but I did watch my brothers play them as it was a staple in their daily gaming sessions. Being a grown adult (aka has the courage enough to get through a s c a r y game) and with Halloween being a thing during my playthrough, I figured now's the time I finally cross that bridge of horror games.

The pacing of this game is fantastic. I never once felt like I was getting exhausted or bored with the game because I always felt like I was making progress throughout my exploration in the mansion and feeling more formidable against my enemies. I love the replay value this game has as well. I normally don't care for replay value as I typically one and done my games to catch up on my ever growing backlog, but this is one of the few games where after my first playthrough I went back and played as another character just to both see a difference in story and also just to go about the game with a more wiser and experienced perspective.

The puzzle solving in this game makes me feel VERY good whenever I figure it out on my own, which was what I did during my first playthrough of this game. I know most, if not all, Resi games are fairly short and simple, so for once I went through a game blindly on my first playthrough. I want to say at least 3/4 of my first playthrough was blind and the rest was guided as there were some puzzles that admittedly stumped me (also my brain was just exhausted at that point). Overall, the game does a good job at giving you little to no excuse to not be able to solve most or if not all their puzzles since there are also hints littered around the mansion for you to figure your way out of things.

Despite having played very few horror games in my life (as my Backloggd shows), this game felt very familiar to me. Not because I grew up watching my brothers play it, but kinetically being able to play and figure this game out felt very natural and comforting for me. I really do think this is like a quintessential game for any gamer to play as its pretty tame for most horror games and the learning curve for this game is very comfortable and incentivizing.

I absolutely recommend this game to the following:
-Fans of horror games (I mean duh???)
-Fans of Zelda games. The puzzle solving in this game, and I imagine the entire series as well, reminds me of the intuitive-nature that most Zelda puzzles have where you have to think a little creatively to solve the puzzles.
-Looking for an easy going game to play. Don't let the horror title fool you, this game is very tame and easy to handle. As someone who can't really do horror all too well this game felt very comforting with its atmosphere and slow, calm paced nature.

Reviewed on Nov 06, 2021
