I want to get through the positives first before going into the negatives. Firstly, I think the story is really good for a game of this era and the way it conveys very complex themes with simple motions is a massive step up from the first game and help set the foundations for the series going forward. Secondly, I think the concept of one of your party members constantly swapping out throughout the story is a neat idea in concept. However, this game is designed from the core to absolutely waste your time. The dungeon design is abysmal with the numerous doors that lead to small dead ends with increased encounter rates being the main offender. The infamous leveling system is a neat idea in concept considering how some modern CRPG games use a similar skill based leveling system, but the absence of traditional leveling and the way HP and MP are calculated while made lax in later revisions is completely asinine. There's also a point near the end of the game where it decides to throw in an extra final dungeon that really overstays its welcome. The only way I could recommend this one is if you're a die-hard Final Fantasy fan and even then I'd only say maybe if you're also really into old JRPGs.

would be 5 if leffen didn't exist