I started this game in May 23, 2020. I played for just under 47 minutes and I did not have fun. I stopped playing the game when I saw that shitty little fake trollface above the 3d printer and then I uninstalled while writing the game off as cringe and boring. I was considering writing "FUCKING BORING" in that sentence but I figured I should leave it as just "boring" to proclaim just how dull the game is.

357 days later, that sentiment has not changed. I loaded my almost year old file and saw the classic "y u no" meme face on the loading screen and that already gave me an idea that I'm not going to enjoy what was to come. The first mission I did upon reinstalling was a blatant jab at Martin Shkreli and it was just so painfully unfunny. Like wow this was truly a relic of the year it was released.

I played for another 50 and its still just as bad as I had first thought it to be on my first impression.
The gameplay is generally boring and the gunplay feels awful. I shouldn't have to unlock an ability to make a semi-automatic pistol shoot like a fucking semi-automatic pistol.
While the parkour that Marcus is capable of looks kinda cool and is flashy, it's bogged down by the fact that it looks rather sluggish in motion and it makes me feel that Marcus is moving rather slowly for the sake of showing off whatever the hell the team decided to mocap.
I will admit that the soundtrack did have a few catchy tracks in there but thats about it in terms of things I liked in this game.
Also for some reason the game just looks blurry as shit. It doesn't matter if you're on maxed out settings and using TAA, MSAA, or TXAA. It looks blurry. Like "poorly implemented DLSS in a vr game" blurry.

Open world drivel. Nothing new, nothing particularly interesting. Maybe I'd have liked this game if I were still 12 or 13 and thought the style this game is presented with was still cool. I will give the game credit that it does have some stylization to it, but it's not something I cared for and like I said earlier, I probably would've liked this if I were still in middle school.

Reviewed on May 15, 2021
