A very, very reluctant 3.5 stars. At the end of the day, it's still the ultra-solid gameplay from before, and I'm positive that online play with friends would be a ton of fun, even if the only "new" mode in this game is a complete and total wash-up. However, in terms of story content, it's a very hard sell, especially compared to the first game.

Let's get something out of the way. Puyo Tetris 2's script is decidedly weaker in every aspect. It improves in the second half, but the first half is extremely repetitive in structure, essentially a few hours of characters mulling over this new danger nestled between endless versus battles. The humor is weaker, characters act even more like stereotypes of themselves than before, and any fun, superfluous interactions between characters are relegated to side stages that I didn't care to beat. The game is so dedicated to its paper-thin and groan-worthy plot (it retcons the ending of 1 to have wiped everyone's memories, leading to a lot of "I think I've seen you before") that it forgets to have much fun with itself besides the specifically-descripted action lines, which see so much use here that they lose the hilarious luster they had in the first game.

Oh geez, the stage variety. Like I said, a LOT of versus battles early on, not even breaking the monotony with solo challenges. They're THERE, but they're side missions once again - ALL of the stages required to progress the story are 1-on-1 battles of some sort. Puyo Tetris 2 takes forever to introduce modes that already had prominence early in Puyo Tetris 1, and when it finally seems like there's a healthy variety of modes with some fun banter between characters, the last world goes right back to the versus battles and even kicks you in the nuts with a difficulty spike. Thankfully, skipping stages here still lets you watch the cutscene after the stage, unlike the first game. This is not one to binge in one go unless you want to go crazy.

I keep comparing it to its predecessor because it's otherwise so identical on the surface level that I couldn't imagine wanting a sequel unless it did something spectacular and new with its single-player content. It doesn't, apart from adding an overworld map that ends up adding nothing. I'll also say it right now. Skill Battle fucking BLOWS. Your overall performance doesn't matter because if your opponent has the right powers equippred, and gets their moves in quick enough, you're toast in less than a minute, and the same goes for you as well. In puzzle games reliant on RNG and quick thinking, it creates a sense of a LUCK Battle, instead.

I've complained enough. I do think it's something of a misguided and too-safe production, but it's nonetheless highly competent and easy to pick up and play. If you're a complete newcomer to the Puyo Puyo franchise and can find this on sale, you're still getting a wealth of content for your buck and access to a bustling competitive community. If you've already played Puyo Tetris 1, and assuming that first game still has an active online community... you're not missing out on much.

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2021
