I could be mean and just make the review "wow, an nes platformer that didn't make me wanna [insert horrible thing here]", but watching nearly a whole season of Captain N has softened and buttered me up enough to make me tolerate some NES. MESEN having a rewind function helps. Also, for all intents and purposes, Rescue Rangers is about as entry-level as an NES platformer gets.

It's still laden with minor annoyances, especially in the last level. However, it's far for brutally difficult at all - it's short, levels NEVER overstay their welcome, the level design is forgiving while still managing to be distinct, and even boss fights go down in a few hits. The controls and simple mechanics are also very solid, and there's a surprising amount of enemy variety here. There's even some very clever puzzle-lite elements - love what they do with switches here.

It's not some messiah of side-scrollers, but in the vast sea of NES shovelware, and even the best of the platformers being so teeth-gnawing, Rescue Rangers is a standout.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2022
