People who have followed my reviews for a while know that I'm not a big fan of the first two Mega Man games. 1 is some primordial form of a run-n-gun platformer, like trying to use a rusty typewriter without a shift key. 2 is mechanically solid, but has rather unmemorable level design at best, and relies on very prominently nasty tricks for its setpieces at worst.

3, designed with all the finality of a third entry in a prospective trilogy, is leaps and bounds better. It still pulls some unruly tricks on the player, but not nearly as often as 2. I wish I could go into more detail on how it's better than 2 than just "the levels are better and the difficulty feels more balanced", but... I can't? It's just more fun IMO. yeah

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2022
