February, 2024


0h 4m

Only one left.

5h 27m

Did a B playthrough with Loop up to 2-4 without continues, then fought the TLB there. It was enough to... first try most platinum medals in Bancho B. Loop is really too strong, huh.
And't that's a CE completion.
(total playtime so far: 4h 7m)
Grinded some of the other character's endings and overall medals (zzz) then realized that it was doable to 1CC it and started grinding with Sadahl.

2h 28m

Some random blind runs where I got to stage 5. Did all caravan-related achievements. Now trying to get the platinum medals before continuing.

0h 36m

I'm still missing the gacha what-ifs so I'm pulling gacha every day and reading them. Only two left.


6h 0m

Played non-stop until 6 AM, Haruki, then Minato, then finally the true end.
Until I realized there's an EX alternative story at 5 AM, and my ment went full brainrot.
holy shit.

1h 6m

More achievements.

9h 39m

An hour of remaining Downfall routes, then all ot this is Doomsday Dreams. Everything Ryou related.
(5h 27m)
Then I marathoned Suou's route, that was similar-ish, and started Haruki's.

1h 4m

More story advancements.

7h 14m

Most of the Downfall part done, only missing a few of the "more adult" characters to reread


0h 35m

2 easy tracks on hard

0h 46m

Haruki route - Falldown


0h 52m

Just a single story mission.



2h 6m


Initial load. The game has given me a shit ton of upgrade materials since it's going to die at the end of April. So I'm going to end the story before this.
Got to ()



2h 24m

Cleared Act 1. Spent some time free roaming