2 Reviews liked by FormulaTroy

While Return to Grace is super short at around 2 hours long, I'm impressed by how much better it managed to be than a lot of other adventure games like it. It wasn't perfect, mind you, but it knew how to put its strength into where it counts.

While the developer's ambitions clearly outweighed the runtime they ended up with, those ambitions are clearly shown through some well-written dialogue, an interesting story concept, and some stellar visuals. I laughed more in the short time I spent with Return to Grace than I have in a lot of those five hour walking sims that stand similar to this, and was more interested in its story given its timeliness.

Ultimately though, the game isn't without its flaws. Besides the runtime issue, sound design is also lackluster. A lot of the game doesn't support either music or believable sounds which can properly detract from the immersion. As a consequence of that runtime, some of the game's more interesting concepts don't get the time to flourish either such as the branching paths toward your objective.

As an experiment though, it's clear that the dev should put more time into this style for a fuller experience. Return to Grace is a promising sign for their future, provided they can take the right lessons away from this adventure.

P.S. Screw Control. All my homies hate Control

I have loved everything I have experienced about this game thus far, but I am too much of a wuss to get past the nursing home level with Saga. Idk why that specific area has freaked me out so much, I have no doubt I will come back to this game and finish it.