Hello! I am just your fairly average Canadian guy that also happens to stream! I'm mostly going to be using this as a way to keep my viewers up to date on what I've been playing both on and off of stream, as well as giving my thoughts and opinions on each game
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I saw the trailer for this game awhile before it came out, and was really intrigued by the idea. I didn't end up picking it up on release because I just had too many games to play at the time. Cut to about a week ago from this review, and I'm a bit sad that I sat on it for so long! It's a wonderfully confusing, surprising, and creepy roguelite game that will do everything it can to try and screw you every chance it can... But it isn't unfair. I died a lot, yet I never felt bored having to repeat some of the same rooms over and over again because the game always made them just a little bit different each time. Plus the devs are also incredibly cool people from the small interactions that I was lucky enough to have with them! I highly encourage anyone reading this to play the game.