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2 stars probably for music alone TW for sexual abuse/ Child abuse, not going to waste time with this.

Buddy is a minor and doesn't actually understand shit but apparently she does understand that the men would rape her so thats why she acts violent actually its because the plot drug is making her CRAZZY, Actually its because rando wants her not to kill people like her father, but she feels thats caging her in so she kills him for no reason, even though rando did not approve of his men harassing buddy and knocking her out and having her tied up, because rando is the one good person in this series, which using the excuse that buddys childhood is fucked up doesn't work because rando also had a fucked up childhood. he literally got his face cut off by buzzo who sucks too hes just edgy man who "got manipulated by lisa because he liked her"

which as said in the painful review I made the two women in this series aren't written well which hurts when they are such a main focus, Lisa is a victim of sexual abuse making her a manipulator and "actually a fucked person too" for the sake of keeping things morally grey is just awful writing.

buddy's motives makes no sense and she literally can't listen to anyone I get shes a kid but only at the very end they HINT at remorse.

theres so many fangames and fanfic either having it be a retelling or a sequel to joyful because the writing imo is just that bad, even back when I played this in high school I hated this games plot

dr yado is a dumb villain "I want to turn everyone into monsters only i can control" why? "because its cool"

gameplay is also repetitive and boring not AWFUL or even bad just not fun, since its mostly a solo journey buddy can do damage or heal with items which will be every battle you do.

buddy learns in the end to not be bad but also to have sex an repopulate the earth with whatever chosen spouse she left alive. I guess we technically see buddy regret things but we don't really feel it because the games over and it tries so hard to tie every plot thing together in a short experience.

painful would be better as a stand alone with fan games, play the fangames.