This is honestly the best postal game, and it mostly has to do with my preferences with fast movement based FPS, and ones with more out there creative weapons than standard guns, mostly because I'm not a gun nut.

Now fore warning that this is part of the postal series known for super crude and kind of offensive humor, and its understandable if you are turned away from it.

that being said this game makes fun of more of things like rich people, karens, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorist. that's not to say the game is 100% not going to offend, it is part of the series and is the guilty part of the guilty pleasure for my enjoyment of this series.

the game is kind of self aware about its reliance on pop culture references, which id find annoying in other series but for some reason postal is endearing to me and frankly I think its because of the postal dude himself the line deliveries really makes the character he's like an ash Williams, duke nukem, or serious sam. not for everyone but endearing if you like it.

the only real "issue" with this game is the length, I like short games but I just think people should keep that in mind before spending money on the game, I think its totally worth it if you love old style shooters like doom.

the enemy variety not only in function but creative and horrifying designs also are more memorable than regular human enemies, it also means you have to adapt with the weapons you have, which like I said the weapons are fun memorable and the chain shotgun is integral to the movement of the game.

also that final song fucks hard.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Really good review frank!