Did a recent replay before the remake came out( and my god this game ages so well, between the level design, enemy design and player control, they really knocked it out of the ballpark with this game.

The amount of content in the game is really great too but old resident evil games since 2 have had pretty good extra content.

My biggest issue is the quick time events especially during cutscenes, gameplay ones are fine, but some just feel weird.

Games story is campy and its not winning any awards on what games in writing can do but its resident evil its carried by its charm and characters, which allow the franchise to get more action like and do anything, even if that is less horror themed which isn’t to say the horror isn’t there, even if it’s not SCARY scary the controls still make the gameplay intense yet super enjoyable.

I am exited to play the remake and even if it’s really good,

Re4 is a classic that and just a damn solid game that still stands on its own

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2023

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