The biggest example of a "videogame you can only play once".

Won't spoil anything, but this game completely understands how an adventure feels. Exploring and discovering every single mystery and seeing it all fit together is insane. Understanding and mastering every planet feels great. I also specially love how none of the planets feels... game-y. It really does feel like you're entering a new world that won't hold your hand.

I do have some gripes with it, though. Some things in the game just require you to stay put and wait a bunch of time, which is kinda boring. Also, some planet's gimmicks are really annoying and some of the travels to specific destinations can get boring to traverse.
I also really dislike how bare-bones the ship log is. Towards the end, I needed to keep in mind some details on locations that the log just wouldn't give me (and I personally don't really want to go check every single location AGAIN for a clue I want to have on hand).

Other that that, this game is incredible and an absolute must play for everyone. It is a game filled with so much love, that I can't help but love it too.

Reviewed on Sep 11, 2020
