Kane and Lynch are back and this time the game is MUCH better. This game is what I was hoping the first one that I reviewed a couple weeks ago was going to be and I can understand this game’s cult following now.

Everything has been improved this time around. The shooting feels much better with all the different guns feeling very different with more realistic bullet spread and recoil.
The developers added a button toggle to the cover system that makes it much more fluid and gives you the ability to swap cover and push out from cover to sprint into the next advanced postion.
The level design is also improved with tighter areas that enhance the game’s strength with tons of cover and lanes that facilitate flanking nicely while you play co-op.

The biggest improvement tho overall is the bat shit insane story and the presentation. The shaky cam might not be for everything but I thought it really enhanced the game and made it more vicseral. The whole game felt dirty and nasty like I was the camera man for a snuff film following these two psychos on their rampage through the neon backdrop of Shanghai. I love how violent this game and all the camera work, neon lights and blurred censoring of the most violent parts gives it an incredibly fresh and unique aesthetic that the first one was missing.

The game is short and wraps up at the perfect time with no major dips in quality. My biggest negatives are I encountered several severe audio glitches and had the game crash twice. The gameplay is nothing special but it’s a solid cover shooter enhanced by its amazing paint job. It doesn’t do anything new or redefine the genre in anyway but it’s easy to recommend to anyone especially if they can play with a buddy in a single sitting.

Reviewed on May 07, 2023
