"Would you happen to have any ghosts?"
This is IT! After several attempts at spooky atmospheres, they finally nailed it. Does the bad character animation add to the creepiness? Maybe. But take a rich family with an obsession over their family's legacy and messed-up history, and throw them into a creepy huge mansion with dark passageways and a parrot for some reason... Add a cryptic curse in the mix... Some gargoyles, love those guys... Yeah. That's some Good Content.

The puzzles were TRICKY, too, and the clues weren't as obvious as they've been in the past games. (Maybe because I definitely just used a walkthrough when I played this at age 11.)

My biggest complaint is a very simple, petty one. I really missed Bess and George's presence. They're a staple tbh and it kinda hurt. Give me back my emotional support hint cousins.

P.S. Ethel looked like Dove Cameron and I couldn't unsee it.

Reviewed on May 31, 2022
